Xenos OTS
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all commissions cover Primer Undercoat, Grades of painting described below:


  • Basic colours
  • Two layers
  • spot highlights
  • two-tone shading, minor detail painted (e.g eyes one colour, nails/claws, simple metal colours)


  • basic colours,
  • highlights, two-tone shading,
  • Two layers Detail painted ( e.g Eyes two colours with lens shade/glaze paint, Two colour nails/claws plus other details grenades.
  • Painted to stand out highlights
  • Minor weathering.


The works:

this option covers every detail possible, to a high tabletop standard, blending, weathering, rust effects, full shading and icons.


Character grade:

This counts as "the works" but due to the nature of painting characters, I have the policy to focus on one character at a time to ensure the best Quality and checks . all details are accounted even if it means painting before building the model to achieve that perfect look.

  • Free Medium Basing of your Design, when ordering leave an note of your choices (Greenstuff world Patterns, rocks, Textured scenics and minor Raised platforms)

Basing Features:

Light:  l ( tuft of choice and podge paint)

Medium:   (tuft of choice, podge paint, flock and one mini feature)

The works: (sculpted small rock/themed stand, Sand based, podge paint terrain effects, flock.

Character grade: ( themed base as by Request, this service covers Sanded base, flock, terrain effects and Painted scenic pieces barrels, foliage plants, rocks all covered). Remember Character Grade comissions comes Free with Medium Grade basing, if you wish for a Scenic display base please contact me directly for more info.



Multiply the Amount by the number of models you wish to commission.


Upon check out, you will be required to post out your Models to Xenosscapes studio to be painted.


For more Enquiries please Email at Xenosscape@gmail.com or message me on facebook.

61-80mm Painting commission

  • Refunds/Enquiries/Delivery and returns
    Commission orders are subject to Non-returns as they are your models.
    Exceptions are as listed:
    Clearly Wrong colours as in terms of different colour rather than shade. does not closely match your Description or provided image.
    (these key details will be recorded upon you ordering so provide as much detail as possible.)
    Under these Circumstances, the Responsibility will be on Xenosscape to either
    1. Repaint the army for free
    2. full refund based on the severity.
    3. Offer of future Services at cost to cover.
    Orders under £30 will be normal Royal mail.
    Delivery will be signed for postage under Royal mail for orders under £50 the cost of posting back to the client is covered in the commission value.
    Orders over £50 will be Under Special Delivery insured by Royal mails £750 coverage or Courrier Request by the client.

2022-2025 @ Xenosscape all rights Reserved, client gallery, site images.

© Copyright images please do not copy or save without Permission
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