Xenos OTS
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Hi Welcome to XenosScape , My names Andre creator of XenosScape , director, customer services totally independent as the current owner/lone employee.

unlike other Painting commission services/Streams, I seek to focus on a Alien Scape and the goal is to improve the scope of Alien terrain and Scenery selections on the market today While learning about 3D editing/creating.

be it Moulds , bases , objective tokens to flock ,foliage and though not limited to those selections will include services for many other themes.

In the wonderful worlds that can be created by science fiction and imagination , brings  Wargamming to a whole new level .


one of my favourite things about terrain is seeing the Grand scale of a fully finished Gaming table (especially alien themes).


4 witham Bank west , boston


facebook : Xenosscape

Instagram : @xenosscape

Tel: 07881286468


Telephone times may Vary , my prefered method of contact at this time is Email.

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